Modern technology gives us many things.

Got $30,000? You can get your hands on one of Steve Jobs' most iconic suits

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We've all seen a photo of Steve Jobs on a red background leaning on the Macintosh that Apple launched in 1984. Jobs was wearing a suit, and it was all part of a way of announcing what would be one of the products that changed the history of the world, and the way we use computers. Now, that suit is going up for auction in Julien’sone of the most well-known and reputable auction houses currently. It is expected to fetch $30,000, so if you want it and have the money, run and get it.

It is hard to imagine a person who has changed the world of technology more in the last 100 years than Steve JobsThe Mac revolutionized the way we use computers, and the iPhone set the standard for what phones should be from then on. The iPod marked the future of portable music, and the iPad marked the future of tablets. Of course, you don't start what will become the most valuable company in history by pure chance. Jobs had something that everyone else didn't, and that's what got us where we are today.

The suit that changed the history of computers

steve jobs presentacion iphone original

When Apple announced its Macintosh With that Orwellian advertisement from 1984, the marketing department had the idea of ​​taking some photographs of Steve in a suit leaning on the computer to launch an advertising poster. A simple idea that as a general rule should go unnoticed, but in the case of Steve Jobs, over the years it has generated a certain interest around him. To the point that the same suit worn by Jobs during that photo session is now being auctioned, and experts value it at $30,000. As they say: they take it out of my hands.

The auction house Julien’s has made available to those who want to bid a lot of ropa de Steve Jobs, among which is this suit. In addition, the auction house explains that a Macintosh pin was found in his pocket, so it is also included in the final price. This is how the experts in charge of the auction describe the suit:

“The 100% cupro suit features fine vertical stripes throughout, with two front pockets, one breast pocket, three inside pockets, gray buttons, cream silk blend lining, size label indicates «39/ 49». “Along with a pair of matching dress pants, size 39L.”

At the time of writing this article, the suit has reached a $10,000 bidbut everything seems to indicate that it will continue to rise until it stays close to 30,000. It is a true piece of technology history, and very interesting for the collection of any enthusiast of technology, provided that they can afford it, of course. We will be attentive to the value that this auction finally reaches, although there are certain things that one cannot put a price on.

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