Modern technology gives us many things.

I have been waiting for 10 years for the iPhone to implement this much-needed option

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Things as simple as putting your own song as a ringtone, or customizing the interface a little more may have a pass, since there are ways to fix it, but there is one that doesn't, at least at the user level, and I've been waiting for it for a long time. , since, at least for me, it is important and sometimes even necessary.

Turning the iPhone on and off

Some will already understand where I'm going. And Apple has implemented many configuration options. With the concentration modes we can customize all types of notifications and schedules, so that they do not bother us at night, or while we work, however, it still does not have an option that, at least for me, is very important, and that already in my Galaxy Mini from 10 years ago could do it.

Its about iPhone auto power off and onthat is, being able to select what time the phone turns off and what time it starts up again, thus being able to ensure that at night it is completely at rest and when the time comes to ring the alarm, it turns on.

iphone sleep

This is another important point, and it is that in many mobile phones The alarm sounds even though it is turned offHowever, not on the iPhone, and this makes it even more important that it starts before the selected time.

It seems that Tim Cook doesn't want us to ever turn off the iPhone, and, therefore, they don't implement an option that, at a programming level, would take a few minutes and practically zero cost.

There is an alternative that what it will do is stop a playback, something that is not exactly what we want, but that will at least help you not continue to waste battery, since it is one of the reasons why many of us want this option, to avoid falling asleep with the iPhone and not having autonomy at wake-up time. It comes integrated with the iOS version and the Clock app, and is very easy to activate.

Bedtime on an iPhone

We will only have to go to the Clock app > Timer > select the time > check the stop playback when finished box. With this we will at least solve one of the problems, but in the same way, it will be somewhat tedious, since it will have to be done manually, when the solution would be as simple as being able to always program the shutdown at 02:00 for whatever may happen, and that it always turns on at 07:00, for example.

And you, are you one of those who misses this function? Would you activate it if it existed? Or, on the contrary, do you believe, like Apple, that it is not necessary and it is better that they not even implement it? Leave us a comment with your suggestions and impressions about this.

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