Modern technology gives us many things.

Macs with Intel are becoming obsolete because of Apple Intelligence

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The apple's AI is postulated as one of the best on the market. Their Macs will be able to remove people from a photo without knowing how to edit, create custom emojis just by explaining what we want, talk to an intelligent Siri that communicates with us as if it were a person, etc, etc, etc.

Will Macs run on Intel in 2025?

Although, obviously, a 2019 computer will still work after 6 years, the clearest question is, will Apple remember them? Everything indicates that no, and not only because it focuses on its new AI, but because it is the perfect excuse for users who do not yet have a computer with their own CPU to start purchasing one.

As we saw at WWDC 24, Apple would have announced dozens of features that will arrive throughout this year, as well as the following one, where an AI developed by them will help us with many of the day-to-day tasks, both at work and leisure levels. However, to do this we will have to have an iPhone with an A17 chip or higher, that is, at least a 15 Pro, or an M1 chip or more, including both the M1, M2 and M3 Macs, as well as the iPad, up to the recently presented one. Pro M4.

Macbook Air M1

This does not mean that there will not be patches for Intel Macs, nor that they will not continue to be updated, the only thing they indicate is regarding AI, as we can read from their official website.

The beta of Apple Intelligence will be available this fall for iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac models with the M1 chip or later running iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia.

Therefore, you will be able to have a safe and functional computer, although as we said, the efforts and work of the developers will focus more on these new options, so, despite not having to throw it away, it will become very outdated, and it may not in this version, but surely in the next one, something that does not usually happen with Macs, however, it has touched the era of change with AIs and their power needs.

Apple Intelligence

If you have doubts and your thought is to acquire a Mac with Apple processorthis information is interesting, and you would have until autumn to sell the current one, since its value, once Apple Intelligence comes out, will be greatly reduced, and possibly no one wants it, at least at the same price you could get for it now.

And you, do you have a Mac with Intel? Do you think this new technology will be so necessary, or will you continue with your current laptop without worrying about whether or not it will be compatible with new tools, as long as it continues to work with the ones you use today? ?

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