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the necessary improvement of Shazam on the Apple Watch with watchOS 11

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Last Monday Apple announced the new version of all its operating systems, which will arrive openly for all users in the fall. However, there are already many developers and common users who are installing the first betas and testing the new features. One of the most anticipated new features has to do with Shazam and the Apple Watch. Read on and find out everything about this new feature.

Apple has announced an exciting update for its watchOS 11 operating system, which will arrive, presumably, in September. Among the new features and widgets that will be included in this update, the incorporation of a built-in Shazam widget. This improvement promises to offer Apple Watch users a faster and more convenient way to identify songs right from their wrist.

New Shazam widget

Until now, Shazam could be downloaded to the Apple Watch from the watch's App Store or you also had the possibility of accessing it through Siri. However, it was not available through the Smart Group tab feature. With the arrival of watchOS 11, this will change significantly, as the Shazam widget will be accessible directly from the widgets tab, making it easier to use without needing to download a separate app or invoke Siri.

WatchOS 11

To access the Smart Group tab on the Apple Watch, users simply need to rotate the Digital Crown. This feature will not only be more accessible, but also smarter, showing time based widgets, location and other contextual factors. In addition, it will support Live Activities, allowing users to follow sporting events or the arrival of transportation directly from their wrist.

In addition to the Shazam widget, watchOS 11 will bring other new widgets to Smart Group, such as severe weather alerts, the Translation app, Training Load, Photos and Distance. This variety of options is designed to improve the functionality and customization of the Apple Watch, offering users more information and useful tools to reach.

watchOS 11 will arrive in September

WatchOS 11 is currently available for developers. Apple plans to release the official version of this software to the general public this fall, coinciding with the traditional launch of its new versions of operating systems and products in that season. In this way, Apple smart watches are expected to take a considerable leap.

Vitals Apple Watch

This update underscores Apple's continued commitment to improving the user experience, integrating tools and applications that make daily life more convenient and efficient. The integration of Shazam into the Smart Group tab is just one example of how the company seeks to simplify and enrich users' interaction with their devices. With these new features, Apple Watch users can expect a more intuitive and useful experience on their wrists.

With these improvements, watchOS 11 promises a more intuitive and convenient experience for Apple Watch users. The integration of the Shazam widget and other new features reinforce Apple's commitment to providing useful and accessible tools right from the user's wrist.

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