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The new AirPods feature in iOS 18: more useful than ever

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We have talked about the tools it offers iOS 18, macOS, watchOS, and even the Vision Pro, however, it doesn't end there. The Apple conference last Monday left us with thousands of details that, despite being discussed quickly, are more interesting than you think.

Among them there has been one that, to me personally, seems brilliant, easy to implement and that no one had thought of before. It is related to the AirPodsso if you are one of those people who uses these devices a lot and at the same time is going to install iOS 18 on your iPhone, you are interested.

This is how AirPods improve with iOS 18

Although not all models will be able to fulfill this function, as is logical, since it not only depends on software, but also on hardware, the truth is that the models will have it. AirPods Pro 2as well as all those that come out later.

There are 2 new features that we will see when starting it for the first time in iOS 18, however, and as a personal taste, one of them seems exceptional to me. We leave you below the message that would appear, and now we explain its operation in more detail.

AirPods Siri

As we can see, two improvements appear. The first of them, and the one that I see as very useful, is the new tool to be able to Respond to Siri without speakingjust moving his head.

In the announcement video we saw a man in an elevator, full of people. He receives a call and Siri asks if he wants to answer. Because there are people and he doesn't want to talk, he just has to shake his head. Yes or No gestureand the headphones themselves will understand it, without needing to say anything else, and will hang up the call.

It not only serves for calls, but also for any response in this way that we want to make to Siri, something that, personally, I see as useful, and that can become a tool and way to play songs or perform other actions, although for now It will only be useful for what was mentioned.

The second improvement comes at the audio level, offering a higher call quality, both at the sound and microphone levels, making a call or recording with them clearer, something that never hurts, and although we do not know the percentage or level of improvement, we assume that to add it as a novelty, it will be notable. The noise reduction on them is already good, now it could be better.

airpods pro airpods 3

We have nothing more to say, although these two changes, if they really work well, are more than enough, given the fact that they will come for free, without the need to buy other headphones, but everything will be added at the software level.

And you, what do you think of this news? The truth is that I find it very interesting, although I still think this and then I never use it, but hey, anything that improves the usefulness of the AirPods, which many people wear for hours and hours a day, is good. We will see how it works, if you have one and have already installed the iOS 18 beta, you can leave us your experience.

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