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Apple denounces and there will be a trial

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In recent weeks, the tensions between Apple and the European Union have reached a fever pitch, sparking a heated debate on issues ranging from fair competition to consumer protection and data privacy. The relationship between the American technology giant and the European bloc has been the subject of continuous analysis, especially with regard to business practices, taxes and the operation of Apple's App Store.

Along these lines, the European Union is preparing to impose on Apple one of the largest sanctions imposed on a company in the entire EU, for abuse your dominant position in the market for music applications on iPhone and iPads. The sanction has its origins in a complaint from Spotify, which complained six years ago about the obstacles that the Cupertino company put in place to prevent developers from directing users to alternative channels to the Apple store.

Apple denounces the EU

With this reason, Apple faces a fine of 1.95 billion euros imposed by the European Commission, for hindering fair competition from music streaming rivals, including the giant Spotify.

spotify iphone airpods

The Commission fined Apple in March, arguing that the company abused its dominant market position by prohibiting music streaming apps from informing users about cheaper subscription prices outside the app.

Posteriorly, Apple updated its rules of the App Store to allow music applications in the PREPA to inform users about other ways to purchase digital music content or services and to add website links to purchase digital music subscriptions.

Apple has now reportedly filed a complaint with the General Court of the European Union in Luxembourg to challenge economic punishment to which they submit. The Commission, as he acknowledged before the media present, is ready to confront the Californian company in court.

Apple denounces the decision

When the fine was issued, Apple said the decision was made “even though the Commission found no no credible evidence of harm to the consumer. Apple also said the ruling “ignores the realities of a market that is thriving, competitive and rapidly growing.” For these reasons, the Cupertino company considers that it is appropriate to appear before the judge to defend its actions.

As a precedent, Apple has three other cases in its favor related, which are also heading towards Cupertino, but who managed to be right given that the Commission found no evidence of alleged “harm” to the consumer and signs of anti-competitive behavior.

The fine ended a long-running investigation by the EU, triggered by a Spotify complaint in 2015 about Apple's treatment of third-party music streaming services in the App Store.

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