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Shazam is updated with this exclusive novelty for the iPhone 14 and 15

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Shazam is a popular application for our iPhones with which we can easily and quickly recognize and identify those songs that we like and don't know their name. Shazam allows users quickly discover the title, the artist and other details of any song playing around you with the push of a button. Seamlessly integrated into the Apple ecosystem, the app not only identifies music, but also offers direct links to Apple Music for a more complete listening experience.

In the latest Shazam update, version 17.11, the music recognition app can run continuously in the background and display the results through Live Activities on the iPhone, thus appearing on the dynamic island that the iPhone 14 Pro and the entire iPhone 15 range have on the screen.

Shazam: now on the dynamic island

Shazam has always been able to identify music by listening to it, but now listen for longer before giving up and can also recognize classical music. Until now, users had to open and close the app every time they wanted to identify a song, which was a pain.

With the new version 17.11, users can let Shazam run while doing other activities on their devices. The app will indicate that it is listening through the iPhone's Dynamic Island. Once you recognize the clue, will use Live Activities to show notifications with the identified song.

shazam isla dynamics

It should be noted that this update is available for versions of the application on iPhone and iPad, requiring iOS 15.0 or later, or iPadOS 15.0 or later.

The future of Shazam promises to be exciting and full of innovations, especially with the integration of advanced technologies such as Live Activities and the ability to run in the background. This evolution not only facilitates real-time song recognition, but also improve user experience by allowing more fluid and continuous use of the application. The ability to identify classical music further expands Shazam's reach, attracting a more diverse audience with different musical tastes.

shazam isla dynamics

The best ally for music on the iPhone

This could open doors to new collaborations with other applications and services, enhancing the Apple ecosystem and offering additional functionalities that benefit both ordinary users and music professionals. In the future, it is likely that we will see a greater compatibility with other devices and platforms, ensuring that the magic of Shazam is available to everyone, no matter what device they use.

This deep Integration with iPhone hardware and software underscores Apple's commitment to delivering streamlined, frictionless experiences to its users. Additionally, it opens the door to future innovations where Shazam could further interact with other apps and services within the Apple ecosystem, such as Apple Music, Siri, and more. With future updates, we can expect this synergy between Shazam and the iPhone to continue to evolve, offering more and more benefits and functionality to users.

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