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Artificial Intelligence has finally solved one of the biggest questions in science – Teach me about Science

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We have all wondered or even imagined what it would be like if humans, or all animals, became extinct. What would we do? Especially, the doubt becomes stronger because currently many animal species are in danger of extinction or are already extinct.

Without a doubt, seeing this panorama, it is normal for concerns to arise and for many people to wonder what will happen to humanity or to many animal species if they approach or we approach a point where population numbers are so reduced. that the extinction of any of the species is imminent.

To do this, Artificial Intelligence has been used to find out what the point of view of this tool is, since it has always presented a vision different from that of the human being and helps us clarify or complement an idea that perhaps already had a basis. In this case, it was used to find out which of the two species is closer to extinction.

Although scientists are working on it to know what could be the date on which one of the two species ceases to exist, the doubt is quite big and it is clear that there is no exact date, so ChatGPT was asked, Copilot and Gemini about the possibility of these events. The answers that each of them gave to this question have left more than one person shocked and we will immediately share with you what each of these Artificial Intelligences answered.

These are the responses of Artificial Intelligence about the extinction of humanity and animals

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Although AI has managed to make some predictions on certain topics, this was a question for which it did not dare to give an exact date. What it did do was raise the possible scenarios in which human or animal extinction could occur.

Gemini explained that “both face significant existential threats, but the causes and timing of their potential extinction are different.” Speaking of animals, there are four main causes that can cause their extinction: habitat loss, climate change, pollution and exploitation.

In the case of Copilot, this AI responded about animals: “South America could face extinction rates four times higher than the United States or Canada. “In Australia and New Zealand, the rate of extinctions could be double that of North America.”

In the case of humanity, Gemini assures that an international conflict, a global pandemic, Artificial Intelligence and climate change could be factors for humanity to become extinct. “Some scientists believe that the sixth mass extinction, the one we are currently experiencing, is the fastest since the Permian-Triassic mass extinction 252 million years ago and that humans could be one of many species that become extinct in this time.” period”.

Copilot adds the detail that a collision with a large asteroid could have devastating consequences for humanity or there could be changes in the Earth's crust, such as massive earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

The AIs were also asked if extinction could occur in 500 or 1000 years, and these were their answers.

Gemini: “It is impossible to determine precisely whether human extinction will occur in 500 or 1,000 years. However, the actions we take today to address the threats we face can significantly influence the likelihood and timing of extinction. “For animals, significant extinction is more likely to occur in the next 500 years.”

Copilot: “The exact prediction of the timeframe for human extinction is uncertain. However, considering current challenges such as climate change, habitat loss and resource overexploitation, 500 years could be a critical period. However, environmental awareness and actions can influence the outcome.”

ChatGPT: “If I were to speculate, there may be a higher chance of an animal extinction occurring within 1,000 years compared to 500 years. “This is because a longer time frame allows more pressures and changes to build up in the environment and animal populations.”

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